At Saint Philomena’s, we are committed to promoting the health and well-being of everyone in our community.
We are able to offer before and after school sports clubs to all KS1 and 2 classes, as well as lunchtime clubs run by our experienced sports coach. Clubs include girls’ and boys’ football, netball, tag rugby, dodgeball, basketball, fun fit and multi- sports.
In the autumn term of this academic year, 55 % of our pupils took part in at least one sports club, and in the Spring this has increased to 65%.
We also offer a weekly ‘Walk a mile before school’, where children and their families are encouraged to join together on our school field to walk together and complete the mile. We have two trophies that are given termly, one for KS1 and one for KS2, which are awarded to the class that has the most participants in the mile walk.
Breakfast Clubs
Fun Fit
Lunch Time Clubs
Football Squad Training
After School Clubs
Football Skills Academy
Centre Stage Theatre Academy

In addition there are various peripatetic teachers that teach instruments throughout the school such as
Rock Steady
Whole School Music
At Christmas time, each year group take part in a musical performance. Key Stage 1 perform a musical nativity and Key Stage 2 perform a Carol Concert at our Church. At other times throughout the year, year groups or the whole school get together to provide appropriate muscial entertainment.
We have an auditioned Choir for Key Stage 2 who meet weekly to rehearse together. Its primary aim is to enable children of all musical abilities to sing a variety of songs together, performing them to the school on a number of occasions throughout the year, Bromley Choral Festival and Apsley House.